Tuesday, November 11, 2008

burried treasure: 32 year old film

the other day my boyfriend's mother found a bag full of exposed film from 1976 which was taken by a now-deceased family member. you can imagine my excitment at being handed a cache of extinct film and put in charge of discovering what's on it and if it can even be processed/printed.

the mission commences: i'm having 4 rolls attempted by new lab in the city and another 2 done by gamma if they can figure out what to do with it. the other bunch of rolls are c22 process (seriously?) and there's one roll of kodachrome which may not even be develop-able. i'm checking into rocky mountain film lab to see if they can do the c22 at a reasonable price. there's one other roll that has a wacky name that they lab guys didn't even recognize. imagine how cool i felt piling my rare film onto the counter at new lab and having a couple of people fly over saying "ohmigod where'd you find that!?"

i'll keep you posted about what develops. yes, pun intended.

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